Globalization-(V) to extend to other parts of the world; make worldwide ( A good example of this is the internet because more people can communicate around the world.
Humanity-(N) the quality of being humane; kindness; benevolence ( A good example of this is missionaries helping people in other countries.
Culture-(N) the behaviors and beliefs characteristics of a particular social, ethnic or age group ( A good example of this is the Spain exchange students visiting John Carroll; they have a different culture than us.
Civilization-(N) cultural refinement ( A good example of this is comparing the US to a country like Kenya because the US is more advanced in their medical fields.
History-(N) the branch of knowledge dealing with past events ( A good example showing this is a World History class studying a past event like the Civil War.
1. Definition (with a source) 2. Look for example with someone using word that you think is using it well