Identify the 'Venus of Willendorf'. What does it suggest that the beginnings of art and the domestication of animals happen during the same period in human history? -- or -- The domestic cat and domestic dog both date to the same moment in human history, Syria about 17,000 years ago. How essential were these animals to the development of agriculture and cities? Why? How did humans sleep in the days before domesticated dogs?
The Venus of Willendorf is a 4.3 inch statue of a pregnant woman made out of oolitic limestone. It was made in 21,000 B.C.E. In 1908, it was found in Southern Austria by two archaeologists. People say that the statue could have been a lucky charm for a productive farm year or pregnancy. It suggests that when people made stuff in the beginnings of art, they created something for a reason. In the case of the Venus of Willendorf, it was a basically a good luck charm. Also, people used to paint many pictures of hunts in caves located in France. I think that they painted all of these because they were either a really good, prosperous hunt or it could symbolize a trophy for us today. The winners of a hunt got their killings painted up on the wall for everybody to see. It suggests about the domestication of animals that farms were trying to become more developed. People started to try to domesticate animals so they could do all of the hard, strenuous work. During this farming season, people needed luck so they could have a plentiful amount of crops for there family and to sell the extras for needed supplies/money. I could imagine the Venus of Willendorf was a very important and sacred statue to many people during this time period.
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