Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Daily Question: 2/1/11

You accidentally discover an invention that can immediately help millions of people; but only if you act immediately. On the other hand, if you just wait three months, you can secure a patent and get rich. Which do you choose and why?

    I would like discover an invention that can immediately help millions of people; but it can only work if I act immediately because I feel like I would be helping the world on a bigger scale. The world today could benefit from many inventions. For instance, if someone could find a way to stop global warming and pollution, many countries' problems would be solved. I think I would be happier to help the world than to become rich and not have made a big difference. Also, if I waited and became rich, I really didn't do anything to help anyone but myself. I think it is better to help the world then to just become rich for no reason. 

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