Thursday, February 24, 2011

Daily Question: 2/24/11

Was Alexander the Great a "good leader"? Compare/Contrast with Pericles.

I do think that Alexander the Great was a good leader because of all of his great conquering skills and his tremendous defeats. If Alexander wasn't a good leader, he would not have ruled so many lands and won so many battles. Alexander showed his great leadership skills when he defeated the Persians in a battle where he was greatly outnumbered. Alexander used his knowledge and had a good strategy. This ended up in him breaking through the Persian lines and the Persians running away. Pericles was also a good leader though because it seemed that he led more for the people and not for his own power gain. One of his greatest achievements was creating the Parthenon. These leaders relate to one another because they both seemed were great leaders and made mostly smart decisions. Also, they both were against the Persians. Also, they both strived to have a very powerful country. They were different because Alexander's main goal was to conquer the world. Pericles wanted to have the strongest city-state/country, but he also focused on many other things like pleasing the people of Athens, and re-building the acropolis after the Persians had burned it down. Another thing is that Alexander killed many people, including innocent people in Persia. Pericles did not do that and he was the leader of a democracy. Finally, one of Pericles's biggest mistakes was when he thought that the Athenian force was better than what it was, and Pericles had fought the Spartans and had brutally lost. Alexander the Great and Pericles had many alike and contradicting assets. 

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